Due to COVID our Food Bank at Trinity has closed.  At the time we could not risk allowing people into the church.  We felt this would put our Administrator, Linda Dickinson and our Pastor, David at risk unnecessarily. 

So as not to waste the food we had on hand downstairs at the church, we gave it all to the Mountain Family Center Food Bank in Granby. They were very appreciative of this large donation.  It has all been used by now for those who were in need.  In the meantime, your generosity has allowed us to make our Food Bank ministry much more.

In partnership with Mountain Food Market in Grand Lake, Trinity is offering $100 gift cards to purchase the groceries folks in need want, (except tobacco and alcohol). The cards are at the market.  All one has to do is mention the Trinity gift cards to the cashier and they will be helped - no questions asked. So, if you, or someone you know is in need of this assistance, we are only too glad to help.

This outreach mission in various forms has served our community for many years and will continue with your financial support.  Financial contributions can be made to Trinity Church in the Pines, and note “Food Bank” in the memo line of your check, or write it on the envelope in the church pew for cash donations.  Trinity Church in the Pines sincerely thanks you for your continued support of this Local Mission.